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Little, Brown 2007 Heftet

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Unable to find stage work, actresses Cordelia Preston and Rillie Spoons need to find a way of making a living. Cordelia remembers the skills of her aunt and sets out to be a phreno-mesmerist, advising couples on their compatability and enlightening women on 'The Gentle Intricacies of the Wedding Night'. Cordelia finds that she does indeed possess the gift for mesmerism, and as her popularity grows, she and Rillie are finally living their dream. But events from Cordelia's past return to haunt her, and the women become embroiled in a scandal that threatens to ruin not only them but those they love.

Omtale fra forlaget

Unable to find stage work, actresses Cordelia Preston and Rillie Spoons need to find a way of making a living. Cordelia remembers the skills of her aunt and sets out to be a phreno-mesmerist, advising couples on their compatibility and enlightening women on 'The Gentle Intricacies of the Wedding Night'. Cordelia finds that she does indeed possess the gift for mesmerism, and as her popularity grows, she and Rillie are finally living their dream. But events from Cordelia's past return to haunt her, and the women become embroiled in a scandal that threatens to ruin not only them but those they love ...


Forlag Little, Brown

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781847440228

EAN 9781847440228

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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