Meditations on Middle-Earth

av (redaktør) og John Howe (illustratør).

Earthlight 2002 Heftet

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Sixteen of the most revered names in contemporary fantasy writing share with readers their personal relationships with Tolkien's mythical world. The success of Hollywood's latest interpretation of this world is the ultimate testament to Tolkien's vision. Without Middle-earth there would have been no Eartsea books by Ursula K. Le Guin, no Song of Ice and Fire saga by George R.R. Martin, no tales of discworld from Terry Pratchett or Shannara novels from Terry Brooks. Each of these writers was influenced by the master mythmaker and now they reveal the nature of that influence and their relationship with the greatest fantasy novels ever written.

Omtale fra forlaget

Sixteen of the most revered names in contemporary fantasy writing share with readers their personal relationships with Tolkien's mythical world. The success of Hollywood's latest interpretation of this world is the ultimate testament to Tolkien's vision. Without Middle-earth there would have been no Eartsea books by Ursula K. Le Guin, no Song of Ice and Fire saga by George R.R. Martin, no tales of discworld from Terry Pratchett or Shannara novels from Terry Brooks. Each of these writers was influenced by the master mythmaker and now they reveal the nature of that influence and their relationship with the greatest fantasy novels ever written.


Forlag Earthlight

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780743231008

EAN 9780743231008

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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