Me and white supremacy

a guided journal

av (forfatter).

Quercus 2020 Heftet

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Layla F. Saad wrote Me and White Supremacy to encourage people who hold white privilege to examine their (often unconscious) racist thoughts and behaviours through a unique, 28-day reflection process. This guided journal, which is to be used in tandem with the book and includes the book's original weekly prompts and lots of space for note-taking, is the perfect place to continue your antiracism journey. You will unpack:
· Week One: White Privilege; White Fragility; Tone Policing; White Silence; White Superiority; White Exceptionalism
· Week Two: Color Blindness; Anti-Blackness against Black Women, Black Men, and Black Children; Racist Stereotypes; Cultural Appropriation
· Week Three: White Apathy; White Centering; Tokenism; White Saviorism; Optical Allyship; Being Called Out/Called In
· Week Four: Friends; Family; Values; Losing Privilege; Your Commitments.
Awareness leads to action, and action leads to change. Create the change the world needs by creating change within yourself.


Forlag Quercus

Utgivelsesår 2020

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781529413762

EAN 9781529413762

Språk Engelsk

Sider 304

Utgave 1

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