Maximen und Reflexionen.

av (forfatter).

Insel Verlag 2003 Hardcover

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 6.00 (1 terningkast.)

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Forlag Insel Verlag

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Hardcover

ISBN13 9783458346753

Sider 365

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I'm sorry for people who make a great to-do about the transitory nature of things and get lost in meditations on earthly nothingness. Surely we are here precisely so as to turn what passes into something that endures; but this is only possible if you can appreciate both.

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Now if he is not inclined to learn from more highly skilled contemporary or earlier artists what he himself lacks in order to be a true artist, he will lag behind his own potential because of a wrong-headed idea that he is safeguarding his own originality; for we own not just what we are born with, but also what we can acquire, and this is what we are.

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Shakespeare is dangerous reading for talents in the process of formation: he forces them to reproduce him, and they imagine they are producing themselves.

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Hindus in the desert vow never to eat fish.

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There is no way of more surely avoiding the world than by art, and it is by art that you form the surest link with it.

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