Masters of photography

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2008 Heftet

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"Masters of Photography" is an indispensable and comprehensive guide to over 70 of the world's best-known photographers, from the pioneers of the early part of the century to the experimental artists who will take us into the future. Arranged in alphabetical order by photographer, each entry contains a selection of sumptuous reproductions of some of the photographer's most interesting and representative works. In addition there is an incisive appreciation of each of these most well-known or groundbreaking artists, including the technical background to their pictures, and a key facts panel detailing biographical details and the development of each photographer's career.

Omtale fra forlaget

"Masters of Photography" is an indispensable and comprehensive guide to over 70 of the world's best-known photographers, from the pioneers of the early part of the century to the experimental artists who will take us into the future. Arranged in alphabetical order by photographer, each entry contains a selection of sumptuous reproductions of some of the photographer's most interesting and representative works. In addition there is an incisive appreciation of each of these most well-known or groundbreaking artists, including the technical background to their pictures, and a key facts panel detailing biographical details and the development of each photographer's career.


Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781844420049

EAN 9781844420049

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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