

the witches collection

av (forfatter).

2016 Innbundet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.73 (26 terningkast.)

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THE SHOW MUST GO ON, AS MURDER, MUSIC AND MAYHEM RUN RIOT IN THE NIGHT...The Opera House, Ankh-Morpork...A huge, rambling building, where innocent young sopranos are lured to their destiny by a strangely familiar evil mastermind in a hideously deformed evening dress...At least, he hopes so. But Granny Weatherwax, Discworld's most famous witch, is in the audience. And she doesn't hold with that sort of thing.

So there's going to be trouble (but nevertheless a good evening's entertainment with murders you can really hum...)


Utgivelsesår 2016

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781473200289

EAN 9781473200289

Serie Discworld

Genre Humor Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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And he dreamed the dream of all those who publish books, which was to have so much gold in your pockets that you would have to employ two people just to hold your trousers up.

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"What sort of person," said Salzella patiently, "sits down and writes a maniacal laugh? And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head. Opera can do that to a man."

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  • "But I don't believe in reincarnation!" he protested.
  • And this, Mr Pounder understood with absolute rodent clarity, meant:
    Reincarnation believes in you.
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The person on the other side was a young woman. Very obviously a young woman. There was no possible way that she could have been mistaken for a young man in any language, especially Braille.

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Ahahahahaha! Ahahahaha! Aahahaha!
Yrs sincerely
The Opera Ghost

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