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Yale University Press 2004 Innbundet

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Founded in 1951 by visionary textile designer Armi Ratia and her husband, Viljo, the Marimekko Corporation in Finland not only sparked a revolution in pattern making but also pioneered a new definition of fashion that embraced the entire home environment. This book, a comprehensive study of Marimekko designs, presents more than 100 examples of the exuberant Marimekko fashions and home furnishings that gave the company a definitive presence on the world design stage.The book considers the history of the company from its foundation up to today and examines Marimekko's impact on design in Finland and around the world. The company's most important designers, including Maija Isola and Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi, their contributions, and their stylistic development are also discussed. In addition, the book examines Marimekko home and office interiors and how they reflected the lifestyle envisioned in Armi Ratia's broad, radical definition of fashion.This book is the catalogue for an exhibition at the Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture in November 2003.

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Founded in 1951 by visionary textile designer Armi Ratia and her husband, Viljo, the Marimekko Corporation in Finland not only sparked a revolution in pattern making but also pioneered a new definition of fashion that embraced the entire home environment. This book, a comprehensive study of Marimekko designs, presents more than 100 examples of the exuberant Marimekko fashions and home furnishings that gave the company a definitive presence on the world design stage.The book considers the history of the company from its foundation up to today and examines Marimekko's impact on design in Finland and around the world. The company's most important designers, including Maija Isola and Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi, their contributions, and their stylistic development are also discussed. In addition, the book examines Marimekko home and office interiors and how they reflected the lifestyle envisioned in Armi Ratia's broad, radical definition of fashion.This book is the catalogue for an exhibition at the Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture in November 2003.


Forlag Yale University Press

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780300101836

EAN 9780300101836

Omtalt sted Finland

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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