Mariah Mundi

the Midas box

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2008 Heftet

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Fresh out of school, young Mariah faces a new chapter of his life living in the Prince Regent hotel built into the rockface of a cliff. His job is to assist the magician in the stage shows held for the guests. Above ground, the guests are offered every form of luxury. Below ground, in the slimy, green-dripping walls of the basements, is where the magic show equipment is kept - and lurking in an Egyptian sarcophagus amongst scuttling sea-creatures is a secret that draws Mariah into the path of villainy, plots and possible death.

Omtale fra forlaget

Fresh out of school, young Mariah faces a new chapter of his life, living in the Prince Regent hotel built into the face of a cliff. His job is to assist the magician in the stage shows held for the guests. Above ground, the guests are offered every form of luxury. Below ground, in the green, slime-dripping walls of the basements, is where the magic show equipment is kept - and lurking in an Egyptian sarcophagus amongst scuttling sea-creatures is a secret that draws Mariah into the path of villainy, plots and possible death.


Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780571238354

EAN 9780571238354

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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