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Fourth Estate 2004 Innbundet

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Trisha had been rich and Trisha had been poor, and she knew it was better to be rich. But, even worse, now she was to be stripped of her identity. She is to swap sex, and her very soul, with young, handsome, trendy Peter Watson. She passes him too close upon the stairs, and some might think what happens is an improvement and some might not. Peter's partner Doralee thinks not. Mantrapped is also the continuing story of Fay Weldon. Like Trisha she has been rich, and like Trisha she has been poor. From 1960s London (wild parties, no money) to 1970s Somerset (animals, wild parties, no money), Weldon has lived a life rich in adventure and courage. The things you regret, as she points out, are what you don't do, not what you do. In this vastly entertaining book she argues that in a world in which the writer can no longer hope to be anonymous, it is devious, and indeed dishonourable, to keep yourself out of your own novel.

Omtale fra forlaget

Trisha had been rich and Trisha had been poor, and she knew it was better to be rich. But, even worse, now she was to be stripped of her identity. She is to swap sex, and her very soul, with young, handsome, trendy Peter Watson. She passes him too close upon the stairs, and some might think what happens is an improvement and some might not. Peter's partner Doralee thinks not. Mantrapped is also the continuing story of Fay Weldon. Like Trisha she has been rich, and like Trisha she has been poor. From 1960s London (wild parties, no money) to 1970s Somerset (animals, wild parties, no money), Weldon has lived a life rich in adventure and courage. The things you regret, as she points out, are what you don't do, not what you do. In this vastly entertaining book she argues that in a world in which the writer can no longer hope to be anonymous, it is devious, and indeed dishonourable, to keep yourself out of your own novel.


Forlag Fourth Estate

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780007194537

EAN 9780007194537

Omtalt sted London

Omtalt person Fay Weldon

Språk Engelsk

Sider 267

Utgave 1

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