Manhattan nocturne

av (forfatter).

Bloomsbury 2004 Heftet

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For Porter Wren, a New York tabloid columnist, the city is the story: millionaires on the make and strippers on the clock; a woman with perfect teeth and a tragic past; a brilliant filmmaker found dead in the rubble of a demolished building. The story is always shocking but never a surprise. Until he steps over the line. A beautiful woman has entered Wren's life, leading him into the netherworld her dead husband chronicled on secret tapes - and to a billionaire who wants one of those tapes badly. Suddenly Wren is on the run through the city that was once his beat, searching for the one thing that will set him free: the truth.

Omtale fra forlaget

For Porter Wren, a New York tabloid columnist, the city is the story: millionaires on the make and strippers on the clock; a woman with perfect teeth and a tragic past; a brilliant filmmaker found dead in the rubble of a demolished building. The story is always shocking but never a surprise. Until he steps over the line. A beautiful woman has entered Wren's life, leading him into the netherworld her dead husband chronicled on secret tapes - and to a billionaire who wants one of those tapes badly. Suddenly Wren is on the run through the city that was once his beat, searching for the one thing that will set him free: the truth.


Forlag Bloomsbury

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780747553243

EAN 9780747553243

Genre Thrillere

Omtalt sted New York

Språk Engelsk

Sider 355

Utgave 1

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