Manga Jesus complete

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2010 Heftet

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The complete MANGA JESUS series from the creator of THE MANGA BIBLE - an incredible retelling of the story of Jesus Christ in amazing Manga comic strip form.Siku's MANGA BIBLE was acclaimed for its edgy, provocative yet faithful interpretation of the Bible which opened up this classic text to a new generation of readers. Now he has focused his attention on the full life story of Jesus, and retells it in an epic 400-page manga opus, re-pitching Christ as the hardened political rebel of his day.He spoke and ate with the outcasts, and those from different tribes. He healed the sick, forming new flesh and bone from thin air. He preached a new message of liberation, and shamed the rulers of the day. This is the life, death and resurrection story of the most incredible man who ever lived. A man who lived two thousand years ago, but shaped the world we live in today. A man who changes lives, even today. Radically reinventing the ancient stories of the Bible to create his distinctive Manga-like take, yet being careful to remain within orthodox interpretation, Siku uncovers truths that we had forgotten to look for and brings the stories of the Bible to life in new ways.


Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780340964088

EAN 9780340964088

Genre Bibelfortellinger Manga

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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