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First published in 1997, Malt Whisky has been published in six languages and continues to be a key reference on the subject of Scottish malt whisky. This brand new, fully revised edition is produced in a smaller format to allow the whisky enthusiast to carry it as a portable companion for reference when buying, tasting or visiting distilleries. Full-colour maps locate the distilleries, while over 150 photographs capture the essence of the spirit and how it is made. Charles MacLean describes how to appreciate and get the most out of tasting malt whisky, and a detailed A-Z directory features all of Scotland's key distilleries and their whiskies with full-colour labels. MacLean also includes tips on buying malt whisky, as well as a guide to distillery visitor facilities and the best whisky societies and websites. This book offers all the informaion any malt lover could ever need to appreciate this magical spirit to the full.


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781845335700

EAN 9781845335700

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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