Madonna style

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Omnibus Press 2002 Heftet

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Lavishly illustrated, this book looks in detail at Madonna's development as a visual performer on stage, on video and in real life. It follows her as she moves from the riotous street punk explosions of her early appearances, through her controversial use of erotic and religious imagery, to the sophisticated and superbly orchestrated presentations that are her forte today. The book explores the childhood and adolescent experiences at the heart of Madonna's most memorable creations, charting her struggles with Catholicism, her sexual history and her idealization of motherhood.

Omtale fra forlaget

Lavishly illustrated, this book looks in detail at Madonna's development as a visual performer on stage, on video and in real life. It follows her as she moves from the riotous street punk explosions of her early appearances, through her controversial use of erotic and religious imagery, to the sophisticated and superbly orchestrated presentations that are her forte today. The book explores the childhood and adolescent experiences at the heart of Madonna's most memorable creations, charting her struggles with Catholicism, her sexual history and her idealization of motherhood.


Forlag Omnibus Press

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780711988743

EAN 9780711988743

Omtalt person Madonna

Språk Engelsk

Sider 175

Utgave 1

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