Love rules

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HarperCollins 2005 Heftet

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A novel about best friends, about settling down and about throwing it all away. Thea Luckmore believes in love. She's determined only ever to fall head over heels, or rather, heart over head. Alice Heggarty, her best friend, is always falling in lust, with dashing rogues who invariably break her heart. As yet another disastrous relationship ends, Alice makes a decision. It's time to marry and she knows just the man. For Thea, a chance encounter on Primrose Hill ignites that elusive spark she's preoccupied with. Saul Mundy promises to be the perfect fit and Thea finds herself falling in love and loving it. But though newly wed Alice encourages Thea to settle down and conform, she finds that she's not as keen as she thought on playing by the rules. Alice starts to break them left, right and centre. At the same time, Thea's world, in which love reigns supreme, is shaken to core. When it comes to love, should you listen to your head, your heart, or your best friend?

Omtale fra forlaget

A novel about best friends, about settling down and about throwing it all away. Thea Luckmore believes in love. She's determined only ever to fall head over heels, or rather, heart over head. Alice Heggarty, her best friend, is always falling in lust, with dashing rogues who invariably break her heart. As yet another disastrous relationship ends, Alice makes a decision. It's time to marry and she knows just the man. For Thea, a chance encounter on Primrose Hill ignites that elusive spark she's preoccupied with. Saul Mundy promises to be the perfect fit and Thea finds herself falling in love and loving it. But though newly wed Alice encourages Thea to settle down and conform, she finds that she's not as keen as she thought on playing by the rules. Alice starts to break them left, right and centre. At the same time, Thea's world, in which love reigns supreme, is shaken to core. When it comes to love, should you listen to your head, your heart, or your best friend?


Forlag HarperCollins

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007180332

EAN 9780007180332

Genre Romantikk

Språk Engelsk

Sider 419

Utgave 1

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