Love falls

av (forfatter).

Bloomsbury 2008 Heftet

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It is July, three months after Lara's seventeenth birthday and a week before Charles and Diana's Royal Wedding. When Lara's father, a man she barely knows, invites her to accompany him on holiday, she finds herself in the sun-scorched hillsides of Tuscany, far away from the fumes of London's Holloway Road. There she meets the Willoughby family, rife with illicit alliances and vendettas. The more embroiled she becomes with them, and with the carelessly beautiful Kip, the more Lara is consumed with doubt, curiosity and dread. And so begins her intoxicating journey into self-discovery and across the very fine line between childhood and what lies beyond.

Omtale fra forlaget

It is July, three months after Lara's seventeenth birthday and a week before Charles and Diana's Royal Wedding. When Lara's father, a man she barely knows, invites her to accompany him on holiday, she finds herself in the sun-scorched hillsides of Tuscany, far away from the fumes of London's Holloway Road. There she meets the Willoughby family, rife with illicit alliances and vendettas. The more embroiled she becomes with them, and with the carelessly beautiful Kip, the more Lara is consumed with doubt, curiosity and dread. And so begins her intoxicating journey into self-discovery and across the very fine line between childhood and what lies beyond.


Forlag Bloomsbury

Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780747594987

EAN 9780747594987

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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