Love and sex with robots

the evolution of human-robot relationships

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2008 Innbundet

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From Pygmalion falling for his chiselled Galatea, to Dr Frankenstein marvelling at his 'modern Prometheus', to the man-meets-machine fiction of Philip K Dick and Michael Crichton, humans have been enthralled by the possibilities of emotional relationships with their technological creations.Synthesizing cutting-edge research in robotics with the cultural history and psychology of artificial intelligence, "Love and Sex with Robots" explores this fascination, and its far-reaching implications. Using examples drawn from around the world, David Levy argues that, once we have conditioned ourselves to feel affection for animate creations, the next logical step is physical intimacy.Shocking but utterly convincing, "Love and Sex With Robots" brings to life these fascinating aspects of science fact, and Levy makes a compelling case that the entities we once deemed cold and mechanical, will soon become the objects of real, human desire.

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From Pygmalion falling for his chiselled Galatea, to Dr Frankenstein marvelling at his 'modern Prometheus', to the man-meets-machine fiction of Philip K Dick and Michael Crichton, humans have been enthralled by the possibilities of emotional relationships with their technological creations.Synthesizing cutting-edge research in robotics with the cultural history and psychology of artificial intelligence, "Love and Sex with Robots" explores this fascination, and its far-reaching implications. Using examples drawn from around the world, David Levy argues that, once we have conditioned ourselves to feel affection for animate creations, the next logical step is physical intimacy.Shocking but utterly convincing, "Love and Sex With Robots" brings to life these fascinating aspects of science fact, and Levy makes a compelling case that the entities we once deemed cold and mechanical, will soon become the objects of real, human desire.


Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780715637401

EAN 9780715637401

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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