Los Angeles

portrait of a city

av (redaktør).

Taschen 2013 Innbundet

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Los Angeles, this is your life. This book tells how LA came to be what it is today. From the first known photograph taken in Los Angeles to its most recent sprawling vistas, this photographic tribute to the City of Angels is first of its kind to survey in depth the full range of the city's photographic history. Exploring the cultural, political, industrial, and sociological history via the work of myriad photographers, the book examines the city's critical developments ranging from the real estate booms of the 1880s to the uncontrolled urban sprawl of the late 20th century. With over 600 images, the city is shown emerging from a desert wasteland to a horticultural Eden courtesy of imported water. Poignant events that captured the attention of the world, notably two Olympics, the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, and the Rodney King riots, reveal a city of many dimensions. The entertainment capital of the world, Hollywood, and its celebrities are showcased along with notable Los Angeles personalities, architects, artists, and events. Many of the pop cultural movements which started in Los Angeles, such as surfing, health food fads, and hot rods, are included, as are the cities notorious crimes and criminals. Focusing on one of the most photographed and familiar cities of the world, this book unveils a new dimension of its visual history with hundreds of freshly discovered images including those of Julius Shulman, Henri Cartier-Bresson, William Claxton, Weegee, and many more. Culled from major historical archives, museums, private collectors, and universities, the images are bolstered by insightful texts by renowned California historian Kevin Starr and Los Angeles literature expert David Ulin.


Forlag Taschen

Utgivelsesår 2013

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9783836502917

EAN 9783836502917

Omtalt sted Los Angeles

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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