Looking out and looking in

national identity in picturebooks of the new millennium

av (redaktør).

Novus 2013 Heftet

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The aim of this book is to broaden the understanding of picturebooks of the new millennium as found in various parts of the world, by looking at how they portray local, regional, national and/or global identity formation. Together, the various chapters discuss perspectives on current picturebooks representing different regions: Arabia, Europe and Scandinavia, and dif.ferent countries: Saudi Arabia, Canada, Australia, Norway, China, Den.mark, France, Greece, Portugal, The Faroe Islands, Cyprus and Finland. To what extent is it meaningful to talk of a global, a regional, a national and a local identity in contemporary picturebooks? What tendencies are shared, and in which ways do the picturebooks differ between the various countries? Which visual styles can be identified? The antho.logy includes colour pictures to show the differ.ent visual styles represented.


Forlag Novus

Utgivelsesår 2013

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788270997244

EAN 9788270997244

Omtalt tid 2000-tallet

Språk Engelsk

Sider 201

Utgave 1

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