Living in Greece

av (forfatter), René Stoeltie (illustratør) og Angelika Taschen (redaktør).

Taschen 2002 Innbundet

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This text looks at the best of the world's country homes in the mythical land of Greece. Go island hopping with the Stoelties and discover the best of Greece's hidden treats, such as the hilltop summer house of Robert Browning, descendant of the English poet, in Hydra, or the romantic home of Onassis's ex-pilot basile Touloumtzoglou and his wife Tilly. This book features 22 country houses found in Greece.

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This text looks at the best of the world's country homes in the mythical land of Greece. Go island hopping with the Stoelties and discover the best of Greece's hidden treats, such as the hilltop summer house of Robert Browning, descendant of the English poet, in Hydra, or the romantic home of Onassis's ex-pilot basile Touloumtzoglou and his wife Tilly. This book features 22 country houses found in Greece.


Parallell tittel Vivre en Grèce

Forlag Taschen

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9783822858691

EAN 9783822858691

Omtalt sted Hellas

Språk Flerspråklig Fransk Engelsk Tysk

Sider 192

Utgave 1

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