Little book of big penises

Akademika 2015 Heftet

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So small, yet so big Big endowments + small package: major savings. "Sirs" begins the missive from our imaginary correspondent. "It's not that I don't love your original "Big Penis Book", but that, perhaps, I love it too much. I now become anxious leaving the house without it, and long business trips are simply torture. Couldn't you make a smaller, less obtrusive edition, still packed with men whose generative members measure over 8 inches, that doesn't form a suspiciously large bulge in my carry-on luggage? And while you're at it, could you make it highly affordable, since my pockets are as shallow as this premise?" Done! "The Little Book of Big Penis" features over 150 massively endowed models from the 1940s through the '90s, including photos by Bob Mizer of AMG, David Hurles of Old Reliable, Rip Colt of Colt Studio, Craig Calvin Anderson of Sierra Domino, Hal Roth of Filmco, Jim Jaeger of Third World Studios, Falcon Studios, Mike Arlen, Fred Bisonnes, Carlos Quiroz, and Charles Hovland in a compact and inexpensive soft cover format. Photos come not just from the original over-stuffed 384-page edition, but from subsequent "Big Penis Calendars", meaning that 30 per cent of the content is unique to this edition. Add a reduced text to make more room for the stunning black and white and color photos and how could anyone - big, small, or just right - ask for a better deal? More bang for your buck! "...a fast-food, high-energy fix on the topic at hand." ("The New York Times Book Review" on the pocket series).


Forlag Akademika

Utgivelsesår 2015

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9783836532150

EAN 9783836532150

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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