Like shaking hands with God

a conversation about writing

av (forfatter) og Lee Stringer (forfatter).

Pocket Books 2000 Heftet

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Boka inneholder en samtale mellom Kurt Vonnegut og Lee Stringer. Noen av temaene de snakker om er humanisme, litteratur, kunst og meningen med livet. Stedet er en bokhandel i New York i oktober 1998.

Omtale fra forlaget

In this elegantly produced, extended conversation celebrating the writing craft, Kurt Vonnegut and acclaimed Grand Central Winter author Lee Stringer explore what it means to be a writer - and what it means to be human.
It is an increasingly rare occasion these days to find two writers willing to speak candidly, thoughtfully, and concretely about the intersection of life and art. And that these two writers happen to be Kurt Vonnegut and Lee Stringer makes LIKE SHAKING HANDS WITH GOD a truly historic and joyous occasion. The setting is a bookstore in New York City in October 1998. Before a crowd of several hundred, Vonnegut and Stringer jump into the aesthetic fray, taking up humanity, writing, salvation, art, and the challenge of living, day to day.
As Vonnegut said, "It was a magical evening." A passionate and inspiring discourse between two extraordinary writers, LIKE SHAKING HANDS WITH GOD is a book for anyone interested in why the simple act of writing things down can be so much more important than the amount of memory in our computers.


Forlag Pocket Books

Utgivelsesår 2000

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780743410588

EAN 9780743410588

Språk Engelsk

Sider 79

Utgave 1

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