Lighthouses of Europe

av (forfatter) og Thomas Ebelt (foto).

Adlard Coles Nautical 2018 Heftet

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Europe has over 40,000 miles of coastline, stretching from the icy black waters of the Baltic to the deceptively serene Mediterranean. With many of Europe's countries bordering a sea, the need for lighthouses has spanned much of the continent for centuries. Lighthouses hold a perennial fascination for many of us - an indicator of danger, a beacon of the sea, laced with history and romance and a magnet for coastal walkers and visitors. Photographer Thomas Ebelt was charged with capturing beautiful imagery of the most stunning lighthouses for a lavish calendar, but on his journeys along Europe's coasts he found enough outstanding structures and dramatic landscapes to fill a calendar every year for a decade or more. This book is a collection of his finest photographs, from Poland and Estonia, via Iceland, around Scotland and England, and towards Malta and Sicily. Each lighthouse is accompanied by illuminating text about their history and construction. Specifications boxes provide information on position, identification features, height of the tower, height of the light, range and year of construction.


Forlag Adlard Coles Nautical

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781472957610

EAN 9781472957610

Omtalt sted Europa

Språk Engelsk

Sider 176

Utgave 1

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