Leonardo da Vinci

the complete paintings

av (forfatter), A. Lawrence Jenkens (oversetter) og Leonardo (illustratør).

Harry N. Abrams 2003 Heftet

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The author re-examines the complete oeuvre of Leonardo, drawing on archival research that has uncovered important documents relating to the artist's work and career. All of Leonardo's paintings are featured here, together with related drawings and many enlarged details that reveal the painter's extraordinary sense of light and shadow, colour and atmosphere. Marani, who co-directed the restoration of the "Last Supper", provides a comprehensive survey of the paintings, establishes their probable dates and sequence, and determines which works were made with the participation of assistants and which by the master alone.

Omtale fra forlaget

The author re-examines the complete oeuvre of Leonardo, drawing on archival research that has uncovered important documents relating to the artist's work and career. All of Leonardo's paintings are featured here, together with related drawings and many enlarged details that reveal the painter's extraordinary sense of light and shadow, colour and atmosphere. Marani, who co-directed the restoration of the "Last Supper", provides a comprehensive survey of the paintings, establishes their probable dates and sequence, and determines which works were made with the participation of assistants and which by the master alone.


Forlag Harry N. Abrams

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780810991590

EAN 9780810991590

Omtalt tid 1400-tallet

Omtalt sted Italia

Omtalt person Leonardo

Språk Engelsk

Sider 384

Utgave 1

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