Lee Miller

a life with food, friends & recipes

av (forfatter) og Penrose Film Productions (utgiver).

Grapefrukt forl. 2017 Innbundet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 6.00 (1 terningkast.)

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Lee Miller, a woman of many lives and mistress of her own re-invention,: model, surrealist and fashion photographer, war correspondent and gourmet cook, does everything wholeheartedly and with an imaginative flair. Much has been written about the varied forms of her creativity but Lee Miller's achievement as a gourmet chef is usually left to being an endnote. Her granddaughter Ami Bouhassane sees this part of her life as Miller's longest battle and most extraordinary personal accomplishment in every sense.

Ami Bouhassane is a trustee of the Lee Miller Archives and has worked closely with the material for more than nineteen years. This intimacy with the work has given her a unique insight to her grandmother's life and access to never before published manuscripts and photographs which reveal a previously unknown aspect of Miller.

More than a book of recipes, this cookbook explores Lee Miller's life through the influence of food and how it transcends to become the creative vehicle for which she eventually swaps her camera and uses it to build bridges, heal old wounds, and to empower other women.

Illustrated by Miller's pictures, the book also features more than 100 of her recipes and material from the cookbook that Lee Miller was secretly hoping to publish at the end of her life.


Forlag Grapefrukt forl.

Utgivelsesår 2017

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788299757454

EAN 9788299757454

Omtalt tid 1900-tallet

Omtalt sted England

Omtalt person Lee Miller

Språk Engelsk

Sider 350

Utgave 1

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