Layer manufacturing

a tool for reduction of product lead time

av (redaktør) og Nordisk industrifond (utgiver).

Tapir 1996 Heftet

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The book represents a part of the final document of the project "Layer manufacturing as a tool for reduction of product lead time" (NOR-LMT), founded by Nordic Fund for Technology and Industrial Development, the national research councils in the four countries, and industry. The NOR-LMT-project was designed in order to adapt "layer manufacturing technology" (LMT) to industrial use, and to transfer technology to the Nordic countries.

Omtale fra forlaget

The book represents a part of the final document of the project "Layer manufacturing as a tool for reduction of product lead time" (NOR-LMT), founded by Nordic Fund for Technology and Industrial Development, the national research councils in the four countries, and industry. The NOR-LMT-project was designed in order to adapt "layer manufacturing technology" (LMT) to industrial use, and to transfer technology to the Nordic countries.


Forlag Tapir

Utgivelsesår 1996

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788251912242

EAN 9788251912242

Språk Engelsk

Sider 135

Utgave 1

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