Lauren Conrad beauty

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2012 Innbundet

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From lifestyle and fashion icon Lauren Conrad-#1 New York Times bestselling author of Lauren Conrad Celebrate and Lauren Conrad Style-comes a must-read guide how to feel and look your best.Filled with everything from tips on finding the right skin care regime to how to perfect Lauren's signature winged liner, Lauren Conrad Beauty is the book for all of Lauren's many fans and for any girl or woman looking for pointers from one of Hollywood's most relatable yet glamorous stars. And with dozens of photographs of Lauren and other models, it has never been easier to re-create her look at home. Whether she's in front of the camera or behind the scenes, style icon Lauren Conrad has spent years learning from the pros and perfecting her look, and now she's sharing all her beauty secrets.In her first guide dedicated exclusively to beauty, Lauren covers everything you need to know to maximize your own beauty potential. From tips for creating a strong foundation and maintaining healthy skin and hair through diet, exercise, and all-around wellness to everyday makeup techniques and tricks of the trade for special-occasion looks, Lauren Conrad Beauty provides the advice you've been waiting for. Lauren's personal anecdotes and illustrated step-by-step lessons for makeup, hair, and nails will have you looking great day or night.


Utgivelsesår 2012

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780062128454

EAN 9780062128454

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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