Keith Richards


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Headline 2003 Heftet

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The book charts the life and times of the shy, half-educated boy from Dartford, the writer of timeless pop classics like Satisfaction and Brown sugar, the artist formerly known as Wormwood Scrubs' prisoner 7855, the kohl-eyed addict slumped on his matress throne in the Ritz hotel, the legendary Human Riff, and, today, the contented family man who continues to be rock's most indomitable living practitioner.

Omtale fra forlaget

The book charts the life and times of the shy, half-educated boy from Dartford, the writer of timeless pop classics like Satisfaction and Brown sugar, the artist formerly known as Wormwood Scrubs' prisoner 7855, the kohl-eyed addict slumped on his matress throne in the Ritz hotel, the legendary Human Riff, and, today, the contented family man who continues to be rock's most indomitable living practitioner.


Forlag Headline

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780755311033

EAN 9780755311033

Omtalt sted Storbritannia

Omtalt person Keith Richards

Språk Engelsk

Sider 370

Utgave 1

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