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Fashion's dynamic duo. This is a photographer's tribute to his greatest muse. Mario Testino is recognized as the ultimate fashion photographer of his generation but his pictures of Kate Moss transcend fashion. The consequence of two decades of extraordinary friendship, and phenomenal glamour, this iconic collaboration is an intimate insight into the lives and minds of two of the world's definitive style leaders. Follow the journey of one of fashion's most creative collaborations, from early days backstage at the shows to behind-the-scenes glimpses of the ground-breaking editorials they continue to produce for the world's most respected magazines. Many photographs have been chosen from Testino's private archive and are published here for the first time. This book is Mario's personal homage to his greatest muse: a young girl that captured his heart and eye with her beauty, humor and spirit, and whose image in his photographs has captured imaginations the world over.


Utgivelsesår 2012

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9783836525060

EAN 9783836525060

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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