Joy school ; Until the real thing comes along

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Arrow 2005 Heftet

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Joy school: Kate has relocated to Missouri with her distant, occasionally abusive father, and she feels very much alone. Her much loved mother is dead, her new school is unaccepting of her, and her only friends fall far short of being ideal companions. When she accidentally falls through the ice while skating, she meets Jimmy. He is handsome, far older then she, and married, but she is entranced. As their relationship unfolds, so too does Katie's awareness of the pain and intensity first love can bring. Until the real thing comes along: Patty Murphy is facing that pivotal point in a woman's life when her biological clock ticks as insistently as a beating heart. Will she find Mr. Right and start a family? But Patty is in love with a man who is not only attractive and financially sound, but sensitive and warm-hearted. There's just one small problem: he is also gay.

Omtale fra forlaget

Joy school: Kate has relocated to Missouri with her distant, occasionally abusive father, and she feels very much alone. Her much loved mother is dead, her new school is unaccepting of her, and her only friends fall far short of being ideal companions. When she accidentally falls through the ice while skating, she meets Jimmy. He is handsome, far older then she, and married, but she is entranced. As their relationship unfolds, so too does Katie's awareness of the pain and intensity first love can bring. Until the real thing comes along: Patty Murphy is facing that pivotal point in a woman's life when her biological clock ticks as insistently as a beating heart. Will she find Mr. Right and start a family? But Patty is in love with a man who is not only attractive and financially sound, but sensitive and warm-hearted. There's just one small problem: he is also gay.


Forlag Arrow

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780091911096

EAN 9780091911096

Genre Romantikk

Omtalt sted Missouri

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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