Joy at work

the life-changing magic of organizing your working life

av (forfatter) og Scott Sonenshein (forfatter).

Bluebird 2020 Innbundet

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If you properly simplify and organize your work life once, you'll never have to do it again. Marie Kondo's first book, The life-changing magic of tidying, sparked a new genre of publishing and became an international bestseller. Now, for the first time, you will be guided through the process of tidying up your work life. In Joy at Work, KonMari method pioneer Marie Kondo and organizational psychologist Scott Sonenshein will help you to refocus your mind on what's important at work, and as their examples show, the results can be truly life-changing. With advice on how to improve the way you work, the book features advice on problem areas including fundamentals like how to organize your desk, finally get through your emails and find what sparks joy in an open plan office. Like how the key to successful tidying in the home is by tackling clutter in the correct order, Joy at Work adapts the inspirational KonMari Method for the workplace, taking you step-by-step through your professional environment so that you can identify the most joyful way to work for you. Once you've found order in your work life, you can feel empowered to find confidence, energy and motivation to create the career you want and move on from negative working practices.


Forlag Bluebird

Utgivelsesår 2020

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781529005370

EAN 9781529005370

Språk Engelsk

Sider 320

Utgave 1

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