Jemma's make-up secrets

solutions to every woman's beauty issues and make-up dilemmas

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2012 Innbundet

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Jemma's Make-up Secrets is the must-have follow-up to Jemma Kidd's best-selling first book, Make-up Masterclass. Sharing her wealth of knowledge from years of working in the beauty industry as a professional make-up artist, product developer and teacher to a new generation of make-up artists, Jemma addresses the key make-up issues and answers the questions about beauty that every woman wants to know. Part 1: Making Make-up Work for You covers the groundwork, demystifying ingredients and formulations and explaining which products to use and how to apply them. Jemma demonstrates how to achieve a flawless complexion and how to make up eyes and lips to best effect. She then reveals how to wear colour, how to keep your make-up on-trend, and how to achieve the most iconic make-up looks of all time - from Audrey Hepburn to Brigitte Bardot. Part 2: The Problem Solver addresses key beauty concerns, such as how to take care of your skin, how to look younger and how to combat the damaging effects of the sun and cold weather. 'Beauty First Aid' is a troubleshooting section, dealing with problems such as eye bags, blemishes and dull skin. Lastly, 'Stop the Clock' provides fail-safe five-minute make-up regimes for when you're pressed for time, from running late for work to a last-minute party.


Utgivelsesår 2012

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781906417765

EAN 9781906417765

Språk Engelsk

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