It begins with curiosity

works by Henning Larsen architects

av (forfatter), Katherine Eloise Allen (forfatter), Kent Martinussen (forfatter), Louis Becker (forfatter) og Mette Kynne Frandsen (forfatter).

Arvinius+Orfeus 2019 Innbundet

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Since its founding 60 years ago, Henning Larsen Architects has worked from a simple foundational ethos: people come first. A deep curiosity for the world has guided the Danish studio to adapt their approach to Nordic modernism across countless contexts and communities, from the electric cityscapes of Hong Kong and New York to the rugged slopes of the Faroe Islands.

In every projectfrom concert venues and schools, to city halls and workspaces Henning Larsen Architects pushes the envelope to encourage social interaction. Instead of looking at architecture as a stand-alone object, the studio treats it as a medium formed for and by the social and environmental systems in and around it.

This book presents a selection of the office's recent projects, such as Harpa Reykjavík Concert Hall and Conference Center, Moesgaard Museum, Eystur Town Hall, and the French International School of Hong Kong. Descriptions of the projects, alongside essays by Kent Martinussen of the Danish Architecture Center and architectural historian Hans Ibelings, offer insight into an office that operates at the vanguard of Danish design, always tuned to the needs of our changing world.


Forlag Arvinius+Orfeus

Utgivelsesår 2019

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9789187543852

EAN 9789187543852

Omtalt sted Danmark

Språk Engelsk

Sider 303

Utgave 1

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