Intelligent goods in transport systems

av (redaktør) og Trond Foss (redaktør).

Akademika og NTNU, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology 2013 Heftet

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This book is about how the intelligent goods may collect, store, protect and communicate information related to the goods and its transport from A to B and how this capabilities may support the actors involved in the management and control of supply chain networks and transport systems. The book is first of all written for students focusing on the Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Transportation domains but it will also be very useful for SCM and transport system stakeholders who want to look into new technology and applications that will contribute to a more effective, safe and secure operation of their systems. The book has been written by recognised senior researchers in the ICT, SCM and transport domains. This book successfully discusses the opportunities inherent in intelligent goods systems and presents multiple aspects of the process of understanding, developing and applying intelligent goods systems" (Prof. Ed McCormack, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA) The NTNU Engineering Series publishes research in all engineering fields. It is open for monographs containing advanced research, anthologies with research contributions in a given field, and also conference preprints or proceedings


Forlag Akademika NTNU, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology

Utgivelsesår 2013

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788232102044

EAN 9788232102044

Serie NTNU engineering series (3)

Språk Engelsk

Sider 314

Utgave 1

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