
av (forfatter), Elspeth Thompson (forfatter) og James Merrell (illustratør).

Quadrille 2006 Heftet

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Tricia Guild's status as a designer is legendary. Her company Designer's Guild sells collections of her fabrics, paints, wallpaper, and furnishings all over the world. Here, in this truly personal book, Tricia reveals the many sources of her inspiration and gives an insight into the way she works. Her passions are many and various: art and fashion; architecture and design; theatre and opera; travel; food; flowers and gardening; the broad sweep of landscape and the miraculous minutiae of nature; texture and form; light and shadow; and above all, colour. This wonderful and eclectic mix of inspirations from all walks of life, and all corners of the world is presented as a collection of photographs and text grouped together, or juxtaposed, to form a dazzling, thought-provoking cornucopia of visual and literary delights to stir her many fans.

Omtale fra forlaget

Tricia Guild's status as a designer is legendary. Her company Designer's Guild sells collections of her fabrics, paints, wallpaper, and furnishings all over the world. Here, in this truly personal book, Tricia reveals the many sources of her inspiration and gives an insight into the way she works. Her passions are many and various: art and fashion; architecture and design; theatre and opera; travel; food; flowers and gardening; the broad sweep of landscape and the miraculous minutiae of nature; texture and form; light and shadow; and above all, colour. This wonderful and eclectic mix of inspirations from all walks of life, and all corners of the world is presented as a collection of photographs and text grouped together, or juxtaposed, to form a dazzling, thought-provoking cornucopia of visual and literary delights to stir her many fans.


Forlag Quadrille

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781844002894

EAN 9781844002894

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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