In Tuscany

av (forfatter), Edward Mayes (medforfatter) og Bob Krist (illustratør).

Broadway Books 2000 Innbundet

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Boken tar for seg Toscanas mennesker, mat, landskap og kunst.

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From the bestselling author whose memoirs Under the Tuscan Sun and Bella Tuscany have captured the voluptuousness of Italian life comes a lavishly illustrated ode to the joys of Tuscany's people, food, landscapes, and art. In Tuscany celebrates the abundant pleasures of life in Italy as it is lived at home, at festivals, feasts, restaurants and markets, in the kitchen and on the piazza, in the vineyards, fields, and olive groves. Combining all-new essays by Frances Mayes and a chapter by her husband, poet Edward Mayes, with more than 200 full-color photos by photographer Bob Krist, each of this book's five sections highlights a signature aspect of Tuscan life:
La Piazza - the locus of Italian village life. With photographs of the shop signs, the outdoor markets, medieval streets, people, their pets and their cars, and snippets of conversations overheard, Mayes reveals the life of the piazza in her town of Cortona as well as out-of-the-way places such as Volterra, Asciano, Monte San Savino, and Castelmuzio.
La Festa - the celebration. Essays and photos of feasts and celebrations, such as the Christmas dinner for twenty-seven at the neighbor's house and a donkey race around the church at Montepulciano Stazione, illustrate how the Tuscans celebrate the seasons - their open ways of friendship, their connection to nature, and most of all, their sense of abundance.
Il Campo - the field. Here Edward Mayes evokes the deep sense of the shift of seasons as he picks olives before he and Frances head off to the olive oil mill and enjoy the first bruschette with the new oil.
La Cucina - the kitchen. An intimate view of the all-important role of the kitchen in Tuscan culture, including photographs of her own kitchen and gardens, menus from great local cooks, the elements of the Tuscan table, dishes with cultural and culinary notes on each, and, of course, delectable recipes.
La Bellezza - the beauty. From the quality of the light falling on sublime landscapes in different seasons and Tuscan faces in moments of laughter to a silhouette of cypress trees in the early evening and a wild bird perched on a neighbor's head, In Tuscany features views of beauty that reveal the singular splendor of one of the world's best-loved and most artistic regions.


Forlag Broadway Books

Utgivelsesår 2000

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780767905350

EAN 9780767905350

Omtalt sted Italia

Språk Engelsk

Sider 269

Utgave 1

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