In search of the multiverse

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2010 Heftet

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John Gribbin's "In Search of the Multiverse" takes us on an extraordinary journey through the most fundamental questions in science, exploring the frontiers of reality itself. What are the boundaries of our universe? Could there be other worlds - do we actually live in a multiverse? Will we meet another 'us' in a different reality? Or are alternative worlds parallel but separate? John Gribbin guides us through the different theories about multiverses, along the way explaining the every latest thinking about gravity, about time and multiple dimensions, about quantum theory, about matter itself - and even the mind-bending possibility that one day we may be creating universes ourselves. John Gribbin is the best guide to the big questions of science. And there is no bigger question than our search for the multiverse. "The master of popular science writing". ("Sunday Times"). "In this universe at least, it's brilliant". ("BBC Focus"). "Numerous books on the subject have appeared in the past few years, but Gribbin's stands out for succinctness and readability.
Long renowned as one of Britain's finest popular science writers, Gribbin combines expert knowledge with straightforward, no-frills exposition". ("Scotland on Sunday"). John Gribbin is one of today's greatest writers of popular science and the author of bestselling books, including "In Search of Schrodinger's Cat", "Stardust", S"cience: A History" and "Deep Simplicity". Gribbin trained as an astrophysicist at Cambridge University and is currently Visiting Fellow in Astronomy at the University of Sussex.


Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780141036113

EAN 9780141036113

Språk Engelsk

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