Imperial grunts

the American military on the ground

av (forfatter).

Random House 2005 Innbundet

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In this book the author shows how American imperialism and the global war on terrorism are implemented on the ground, mission by mission, in the most exotic landscapes around the world. He takes us from the jungles of the southern Philippines to the glacial dust bowls of Mongolia, from the forts of Afghanistan to the forests of South America to show us Army Special Forces, marines, and other uniformed Americans carrying out the many facets for U.S. foreign policy: negotiating with tribal factions, storming terrorist redoubts, performing humanitarian missions, and training foreign soldiers. The book gives and account of USA's current involvement in world affairs, and also of where America, including the culture of its officers and enlisted men, is headed.

Omtale fra forlaget

In this book the author shows how American imperialism and the global war on terrorism are implemented on the ground, mission by mission, in the most exotic landscapes around the world. He takes us from the jungles of the southern Philippines to the glacial dust bowls of Mongolia, from the forts of Afghanistan to the forests of South America to show us Army Special Forces, marines, and other uniformed Americans carrying out the many facets for U.S. foreign policy: negotiating with tribal factions, storming terrorist redoubts, performing humanitarian missions, and training foreign soldiers. The book gives and account of USA's current involvement in world affairs, and also of where America, including the culture of its officers and enlisted men, is headed.


Forlag Random House

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781400061327

EAN 9781400061327

Omtalt sted USA

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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