I'm still standing

av (illustratør).

Vision On 2003 Innbundet

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John Swannell has been photographing the great and good since his teens. Over the course of four decades, his own rise to the top has paralleled those of the innumerable politicians, royals, musicians, artists, actors and agitators whose iconoclastic images he has captured in this work. This is a tribute by one great British survivor to a lifetime's worth of perpetual achievers.

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John Swannell has been photographing the great and good since his teens. Over the course of four decades, his own rise to the top has paralleled those of the innumerable politicians, royals, musicians, artists, actors and agitators whose iconoclastic images he has captured in this work. This is a tribute by one great British survivor to a lifetime's worth of perpetual achievers.


Forlag Vision On

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781903399675

EAN 9781903399675

Språk Engelsk

Sider 195

Utgave 1

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