Igor Stravinsky

the rite of spring

av (forfatter).

Voyager 1992 CD-rom

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The composition "The Rite of Spring" is performed by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Charles Dutoit. Contains commentary, music examples and a look at Stravinsky's life and times and their influence on his work, a discussion of the original production and choreography of the ballet, and a question and answer game for one to four players.

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The composition "The Rite of Spring" is performed by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Charles Dutoit. Contains commentary, music examples and a look at Stravinsky's life and times and their influence on his work, a discussion of the original production and choreography of the ballet, and a question and answer game for one to four players.


Forlag Voyager

Utgivelsesår 1992

Format CD-rom

ISBN13 9781559404495

EAN 9781559404495

Serie Companion series

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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