Icons of art

av (forfatter) og Eckhard Hollmann (forfatter).

Prestel 2003 Heftet

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Starting with Rodin and ending with Louise Bourgeois, this book traces artistic developments and trends across North America and Europe in the last century. Full-colour reproductions of nearly 100 important paintings, sculptures, photographs and multi-media projects are accompanied by brief biographies of the artists, informative essays, anecdotal information and comparative illustrations.An introduction to modern masterpieces, this information-packed volume offers an enlightening chronological perspective on the ever-changing face of art as it highlights the works and figures with whom every art lover should be familiar.

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Starting with Rodin and ending with Louise Bourgeois, this book traces artistic developments and trends across North America and Europe in the last century. Full-colour reproductions of nearly 100 important paintings, sculptures, photographs and multi-media projects are accompanied by brief biographies of the artists, informative essays, anecdotal information and comparative illustrations.An introduction to modern masterpieces, this information-packed volume offers an enlightening chronological perspective on the ever-changing face of art as it highlights the works and figures with whom every art lover should be familiar.


Forlag Prestel

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9783791329871

EAN 9783791329871

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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