Icon of Evil

Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam

av (forfatter), John F. Rothmann (forfatter) og Alan Dershowitz (introduction).

Transaction Publishers 2009 Paperback

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Forlag Transaction Publishers

Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9781412810777

Språk Engelsk

Sider 256

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Six Months in Prison
for Posting a Photo of a Nazi and the Mufti on Facebook >

"He cannot 'win'. The process itself is the punishment."


this book grew out of a lecture on Islamic fascism that the author
gave in Cairo, resulting in a call for his death
by three prominent Egyptian clerics.

This polemic against Islamic extremism highlights the striking parallels
between contemporary Islamism and the 20th-century fascism
embodied by Hitler and Mussolini.
Like those infamous ideologies,
Islamism today touts imperialist dreams of world domination,
belief in its inherent superiority,
contempt for the rest of humanity,
and often a murderous agenda.

The author, born and raised in Egypt and now living in Germany,
not only explains the historical connections between early 20th-century
fascist movements in Europe and extremist factions in Islam,
he also traces the fascist tendencies in mainstream Islam
that have existed throughout its history.

Examining key individuals and episodes from centuries past,
the book shows the influence of Islam's earliest exploits on current
politics in the Islamic world.
The author's analysis exposes the fascist underpinnings of the Muslim
Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Shia regime in Iran, ISIS,
Salafi and Jihadist ideologies..

( e. bokus.com )



The prosecution had accused Stürzenberger of “inciting hatred towards Islam”
and “denigrating Islam” by publishing the photo:
A superficial onlooker, the prosecution argued, could not know
that this black and white photo in Stürzenberger’s timeline
was a historical document.

Heretter må nok ingen vise fram ett eneste bilde av politiske maktgubber,
for det vil såre et større antall 'troende' av en eller annen himmelretning

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