Hugh Johnson's pocket wine book 2013

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Mitchell Beazley 2012 Innbundet

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The original and best, Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book is the ultimate compact guide. Now in its 36th edition, it is the UK's number one wine book for wine-lovers and professionals. It is the key reference for enthusiasts, investors and collectors and this year's edition boasts up-to-date news on more than 6,000 wines, growers, and regions, plus invaluable vintage information from experts around the world. A new colour supplement focuses on champagne and sparkling wines, while the 'If you like this, try this' section offers the reader alternative wines to try based on those they already drink. More than 200 of Johnson's favourites for 2013 are also included. A complementary app is also available from the Apple App Store.


Forlag Mitchell Beazley

Utgivelsesår 2012

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781845336844

EAN 9781845336844

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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