High water

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New English Library 2001 Heftet

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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

The Smallwoods are a middle-class, small-town, South Carolina family. The Smallwood siblings gather at their dying mother's bedside. Suprised to hear she has no chance to recovery. Schocked to discover someone has tampered with her medication. And Georgie Smallwood begins to think the unthinkable - there may be a killer in the family, a killer with a familiar face, old regrets, and unfinished business just to hand. Someone in the family has a macabre secret, and their past catching up in a lethal dance of musical chairs that will keep the Smallwoods scrambling to see who, if any, are left standing.

Omtale fra forlaget

The Smallwoods are a middle-class, small-town, South Carolina family. The Smallwood siblings gather at their dying mother's bedside. Suprised to hear she has no chance to recovery. Schocked to discover someone has tampered with her medication. And Georgie Smallwood begins to think the unthinkable - there may be a killer in the family, a killer with a familiar face, old regrets, and unfinished business just to hand. Someone in the family has a macabre secret, and their past catching up in a lethal dance of musical chairs that will keep the Smallwoods scrambling to see who, if any, are left standing.


Forlag New English Library

Utgivelsesår 2001

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780340792414

EAN 9780340792414

Genre Thrillere

Omtalt sted Sørøstlige stater

Språk Engelsk

Sider 370

Utgave 1

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