Hidden prey

av (forfatter).

Simon and Schuster 2004 Heftet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.50 (2 terningkast.)

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On the shore of Lake Superior, a man named Vladimir Orslov is found dead, three holes in his head and heart. When it turns out the victim had very high government connections, that's when the shit really hits the fan. A female Russian cop flies in from Moscow; Lucas Davenport flies in from Minneapolis, law enforcement and press types swarm the scene, and in the middle of it all, there's another murder. Could the two be connected? What is the Russian cop hiding from Davenport? Is she really a cop at all? Why was the man shot with fifty-year-old bullets? Before he can find the answers, Davenport will have to follow a trail back to another place, another time, and battle the shadows he discovers there - shadows that turn out to be both very real and very deadly.

Omtale fra forlaget

On the shore of Lake Superior, a man named Vladimir Orslov is found dead, three holes in his head and heart. When it turns out the victim had very high government connections, that's when the shit really hits the fan. A female Russian cop flies in from Moscow; Lucas Davenport flies in from Minneapolis, law enforcement and press types swarm the scene, and in the middle of it all, there's another murder. Could the two be connected? What is the Russian cop hiding from Davenport? Is she really a cop at all? Why was the man shot with fifty-year-old bullets? Before he can find the answers, Davenport will have to follow a trail back to another place, another time, and battle the shadows he discovers there - shadows that turn out to be both very real and very deadly.


Forlag Simon and Schuster

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780743252454

EAN 9780743252454

Serie Prey (15)

Genre Politi og detektiver Krim

Språk Engelsk

Sider 393

Utgave 1

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