Harald Sohlberg

infinite landscapes

Hirmer publishers 2018 Innbundet

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Majestic and magical landscapes, the soft beauty of fields of flowers, the raw cold of winter: the works of Harald Sohlberg combine a Romantic perception of nature with a contemporary pictorial language akin to Symbolism. This volume assembles some 60 pai ntings, in addition to a number of drawings, prints and photographs by the artist and grants insight into his conceptual world through his correspondence. In particular the mountain world surrounding Rondane National Park provided Harald Sohlberg (1869 - 193 5) with inexhaustible inspiration for countless studies and watercolours which were later incorporated into his landscape pictures. This volume places one of his most famous works, Winter Night in the Mountains , in a new context and casts light on less wel l - known aspects of Sohlberg ' s oeuvre, which also includes street scenes, for example. One characteristic of his works that is particularly attractive is the lack of people in them - not least because their traces always appear present. This reveals a criti cal attitude to the modern age and at the same time allows the viewer to become immersed in his or her own stories.


Forlag Hirmer publishers

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9783777430881

EAN 9783777430881

Omtalt person Harald Sohlberg

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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