Good food fast

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Australian Women's Weekly 2001 Heftet

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This is a cookbook whose effect should be gentle on the hips, thighs and tummy yet sensational on the taste buds. Recipes are arranged under light meals (less than 10g fat), main meals (no more than 20g fat) and snacks (so little fat it's not worth recording!), and the aim is that all meals will be so quick to make that there'll be time to get readers out of the kitchen and into other life-enhancing pursuits. As well as recipes, there is introductory information on eating a well-balanced diet and on incidental exercise - nothing too strenuous or virtuous - just what you can do almost without thinking about it.

Omtale fra forlaget

This is a cookbook whose effect should be gentle on the hips, thighs and tummy yet sensational on the taste buds. Recipes are arranged under light meals (less than 10g fat), main meals (no more than 20g fat) and snacks (so little fat it's not worth recording!), and the aim is that all meals will be so quick to make that there'll be time to get readers out of the kitchen and into other life-enhancing pursuits. As well as recipes, there is introductory information on eating a well-balanced diet and on incidental exercise - nothing too strenuous or virtuous - just what you can do almost without thinking about it.


Forlag Australian Women's Weekly

Utgivelsesår 2001

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781863962193

EAN 9781863962193

Serie The Australian Women's Weekly

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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