Global leadership and global systemic issues

south, north and the United Nations in a 21st century world

av (forfatter) og Branislav Gosovic (forfatter).

Kolofon 2011 Heftet

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This analysis of global leadership examines the question of who should take leadership in global policy matters, and what the main challenges is going to be when the global systemic issues increases.

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This analysis of "global leadership" delves into the question of who should be in the vanguard of global policy issues of systemic nature and worldwide concern, e.g. global finance and monetary system, climate change, global governance and the nature of the emerging world society. Global systemic issues will arise increasingly due to growing interdependence and interrelationships of the countries and peoples of the world. One of the main challenges is to evolve multilateral, participatory and democratic approaches to study, understand, deal with and act on such complex issues. Achieving this goal will require strengthening the United Nations, overcoming unilateralism and the traditional intellectual dominance of the North.


Forlag Kolofon

Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788230007396

EAN 9788230007396

Serie Transcend university press popular (4)

Språk Engelsk

Sider 96

Utgave 1

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