Ghost lover

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Bloomsbury Circus 2022 Heftet

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'One of my favourite writers of all time' DUA LIPA

'A pre-eminent channeller of women's interior lives' FINANCIAL TIMES

'A brilliant writer, and a storyteller possessed of almost supernatural humanity' ELIZABETH GILBERT


From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Three Women and Animal comes an electric masterclass in short fiction.

Behind anonymous screens, an army of cool and beautiful girls manage the dating service Ghost Lover, a forwarding system for text messages that promises to spare you the anguish of trying to stay composed while communicating with your crush.

At a star-studded political fundraiser in a Los Angeles mansion, a trio of women compete to win the heart of the slick guest of honour.

In a tense hospital waiting room, an inseparable pair of hard-partying friends crash into life's responsibilities, but the magic of their glory days comes alive again at the moment they least expect it.

In these nine riveting stories, Lisa Taddeo brings to life the fever of obsession, the blindness of love and the mania of grief. Featuring Taddeo's arresting prose that continues to thrill her legions of fans, Ghost Lover dares you to look away.


Forlag Bloomsbury Circus

Utgivelsesår 2022

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781526653178

EAN 9781526653178

Språk Engelsk

Sider 240

Utgave 1

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