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Macmillan 2018 Innbundet

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She was already well-known in some circles before March 6, 2018, but that's probably the first time you heard the name Stormy Daniels. That's the day she filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump over a nondisclosure agreement negotiated before the election but never signed.

How did Stormy Daniels become the woman willing to take on a president? What is it like to be reviled by some, held up as a beacon of hope by others, and to be an object of fascination to all?

In Full Disclosure, Stormy Daniels tells her whole story for the first time: everything about the events that led to the nondisclosure agreement and the behind-the-scenes attempts to intimidate her, how she came to be a leading actress and director in the adult film business, and the full truth about her journey from a rough childhood in Louisiana onto the national stage.

Stormy is funny, sharp, warm, and impassioned by turns. Her story is a thoroughly American one, of a girl who loved reading and horses and who understood from a very young age what she wanted - and who also knew she'd have to get every step of the way there on her own.

People can't stop talking about Stormy Daniels. And they won't be able to stop talking about her fresh, surprising, completely candid, nothing-held-back book.


Forlag Macmillan

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781529013795

EAN 9781529013795

Omtalt sted USA

Omtalt person Donald Trump Stormy Daniels

Språk Engelsk

Sider 288

Utgave 1

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