From where life flows

the local knowledge and politics of water in the Andes

av (redaktør) og John-Andrew McNeish (redaktør).

Tapir akademisk forlag 2006 Heftet

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This book aims to offer a closer look at local flexible strategies for securing water resources under demanding climatic conditions and during environmental changes in the Andes. As well as describing the function and social significance of water harvesting systems, a further aim of this book is to highlight the wide political and economic context of local knowledge about water harvesting and its uses, and the impact of contrasting management strategies on social development in the communities involved.

Omtale fra forlaget

This book aims to offer a closer look at local flexible strategies for securing water resources under demanding climatic conditions and during environmental changes in the Andes. As well as describing the function and social significance of water harvesting systems, a further aim of this book is to highlight the wide political and economic context of local knowledge about water harvesting and its uses, and the impact of contrasting management strategies on social development in the communities involved.


Forlag Tapir akademisk forlag

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788251921442

EAN 9788251921442

Omtalt sted Sør-Amerika

Språk Engelsk

Sider 151

Utgave 1

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